Hormonal Balance: Sound Healing for Health and Harmony
Ancient Way Healing Presents: Sound Healing for Hormone Balance
This audio is a treatment designed to bring back harmonisation to the glandular system and the gland secretions. Each major energy centre is connected with a gland in the endocrine system.
This audio brings harmonisation to those chakras.
Use this treatment as a supplement to assist with proper gland function and may assist with sleep, stress levels and other gland related issues.
This audio is designed to assist with thyroid issues, thymus issues, prostate issues, ovary issues and all the glands and their disfunctions.
This treatment consists of:
*General cleanup of the energy body
*Cleansing the spine
*Cleansing of the meridians
*Blessings to boost energy healing and physical healing
*The energy Treatment for the specific ailment
*A general Healing for all ailments throughout entire audio
Listen to this audio as needed. This healing audio works best when played through speakers, headphones will weaken efficiency.
Created by John Gray of Ancient Way Healing.
Contributing Artist: Calm Tunes