FREE: Prosperity and Success: Sound Healing for Wealth Attraction
Ancient Way Healing Presents: Sound Healing for Prosperity
This Pranic Energy Healing audio is not a get rich quick treatment however it will aid in removing blockages causing financial stress. Listen often for best results!
This treatment works to eradicate greed, selfishness, poverty consciousness, lack of self-worth and other traits that block natural prosperity in the individual. As you sew, so shall you reap. It is in giving that we receive so by removing these blockages this sound healing can then boost prosperity, abundance, generosity and success in all areas.
Also available for free on Youtube!
Thank you and God bless.
Listen to this audio three times a week for best effects for as long as needed. This healing audio works best when played through speakers, headphones will weaken efficiency.
Created by John Gray of Ancient Way Healing.
Contributing Artist: Calm Tunes