Back Pain Relief Sound Healing: Soothing Frequencies for Comfort
Ancient Way Healing Presents: Sound Healing for Back complaints
This sound healing has been created to ease and alleviate all types of back aches and back pains and their causes. The audio helps to loosen back muscles, straighten the spine and to bring the discs back into alignment.
This sound healing audio is designed to help to alleviate back aches and pains caused by muscle tightness, sciatica caused by disc misalignment, organ inflammation and also clears and rejuvenates the spine and the chakras that govern the skeletal system, especially the spine and the lower, middle and upper back.
This energy treatment consists of:
- General cleanup of the energy body
- Cleansing the spine
- Cleansing of the meridians
- Blessings to boost energy healing and physical healing
- The energy Treatment specifically for back aches
- A general Healing for all ailments throughout entire audio
Listen to this audio as needed. It may take a week or more to see definite results. This healing audio works best when played through speakers as headphones will weaken efficiency.
Created by John Gray of Ancient Way Healing.
Contributing Artist: Calm Tunes